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How to Workout With Bands

October 23 2008

Most people do not have time to workout or don’t feel comfortable working out in a gym or with people around. I think using bands in your office or home is a great way to start working out in your comfort zone. Try this at your office or home. These bands will not cost you more than 5-10 dollars and you can always increase or decrease the resistance by wrapping it around a couple of times. Or you can buy a thicker band.

The below workout is just a basic template which works the major muscle groups. You can do a lot more different exercises with bands.

Advantages of using bands

1. Bands are cheap
2. Unlike dumbbells or barbells, you can take it along wherever you go.
3. Can perform exercises with bands which are almost impossible with a dumbbell, like rows or pull down.
4. A variety of exercises can be performed with bands. Even you can come up with some of your own.

Disadvantages of using bands

1. Hard to keep on progressing on resistance with bands.
2. Bands can snap. And it hurts.

The exercises below are pretty self explanatory.For the Pushing & pulling band exercises, I have A & B. You can either do them in the same workout or alternate A & B every other workout. If you have any questions, do ask.

Pushing & Pulling exercises with bands: A


Pushing & Pulling exercises with bands: B


Leg exercises


Arm exercises with bands


Frequency: 2-3 times/week First 2 Weeks: 1st Set:  4 Reps | 2nd Set:  8 Reps Second 3 - 6 Weeks: 1st Set: 4 Reps | 2nd SET: 8 Reps | 3rd SET: 12 Reps Cool Down: After the workout, do some light stretching, arm swings, or walking for 4-6 min. Note: Progression is the key: When it becomes easy, buy a band with greater resistance or join a gym. Pic Courtesy: Jill Klegin

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