Exercise Biology - The Science of Exercise,  Nutrition & building muscle

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Can exercise prevent the decline in physical function in older adults?

Can exercise prevent the decline in physical function in older adults?

May 25 2015

If you are a personal trainer or over 50, you should read about this recent exercise trial in older adults to prevent disability. So read on:


Are low reps or high reps better for muscle growth in trained lifters?

Are low reps or high reps better for muscle growth in trained lifters?

October 01 2014

If you are a trained lifter, which repetition range is better for muscle growth? This was the question asked by a recent study.


What should fitness professionals understand about pain and injury?

What should fitness professionals understand about pain and injury?

January 08 2014

If you are a fitness professional, this is one of the most important articles you will ever read in your life about pain and injury.


Muscle Memory Solved

Muscle Memory Solved

March 17 2013

‘Muscle memory’ has always been a mystery. But now it seems like we finally have an answer.


Why We Need an Evidence-Based Approach in the Fitness Field

Why We Need an Evidence-Based Approach in the Fitness Field

February 13 2012

This article is probably the most important article I ever wrote. If you ever wondered why all this talk about science and evidence. read this.


Functional Movement Screen: Is it Really a Screen?

Functional Movement Screen: Is it Really a Screen?

January 21 2011

Functional Movement screen is a very popular movement screen used to predict injuries.So can FMS be really called as a screen?


The Top Natural Bodybuilders

The Top Natural Bodybuilders

October 03 2010

Everyone knows Arnold and Jay Cutler. But what about natural bodybuilders? Who are the top natural bodybuilders and how big are they?


Which Is The Best Weight-Loss Diet?

Which Is The Best Weight-Loss Diet?

August 09 2010

Which is the best diet for weight loss? Is it a high carb or a high fat diet?


The Fall of The Greatest Theory of Muscle Growth

The Fall of The Greatest Theory of Muscle Growth

May 09 2010

The recent study drops the curtain on one of the best known theories of muscle growth.


How Much Protein Do You need After Your Workout?

How Much Protein Do You need After Your Workout?

April 18 2010

Let’s what the recent study which looked at the dose response of protein intake and protein synthesis has to say.


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